18 June, 2008

In the Wilderness

I have been in the 'wilderness' for three months now.
And one major symptom is the writer's block.

Been in the 'wilderness' with no power, no cable, and of course no internet. I can't imagine how possible it is to survive without these.

And here I am, back into the real world, and Obama the democratic primary winner? How did that happen? Wasn't Hillary leading in December with over 40 points? She should have been the winner then. What were then the clogs on Hillary's wheel?

Political experts have performed many autopsy's on the HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN. Giving different reasons as to why she failed to get the nomination.

But I believe Obama was able to give what the American people's inner sub-conscious had been craving for, for a long time. A new message. The message of hope and reconciliation. It's been a while since the American people have had someone who is similar to the likes of Dr. Martin Luther King, or JFK. Not that Obama is seen in the same light as these men. But he offered something similar. Hope. A new approach. Clinton offered experience. Experience wasn't what the electorate needed to choose a leader, since most past leaders came into the office with it.

If she had ran against another candidate, the race would have been over on the 5th of February. But Obama being an orator, has the ability to make people believe what he believes in. He has the ability to turn the hearts and minds of the electorates with his speeches. Clinton once criticized him that he was just talk; but she forgot that 'talk' was what wins the vote.

Now that the most electrifying democratic primary ever is over. The next duty of the leadership of the party is to mend fences and make the party one with no division ahead of the Democratic convention.

I am back.

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